# Utilidades
[https://ikax.net/utl/](https://ikax.net/utl/)[ikax.net](/ "ikax.net - Página principal")
## Selección de enlaces con utilidades de interés
- [Online converter ↗](https://www.online-convert.com/ "Online converter: Convert media files online from one format into another ↗") : Convert media files online from one format into another.
- [Rapid Tables ↗](https://www.rapidtables.com/ "Rapid Tables: quick reference information and tools ↗") : Quick reference information and tools.
- [Table Convert ↗](https://tableconvert.com/ "Table Convert: Make it easier to work with tables ↗") : Make it easier to work with tables.
- [W3Schools ↗](https://www.w3schools.com/ "W3Schools: Web development references and tutorials ↗") : Web development references and tutorials.
- [Code Beautify ↗](https://codebeautify.org/ "Code Beautify: Code beautifier, code formatter and lots of tools. ↗") : Code beautifier, code formatter and lots of tools.
## Utilidades propias
- [Calculadora de edades](edad.html "Utilidades: Calculadora de edades").
- [Cuenta atrás / Countdown](countdown.html "Utilidades: Cuenta atrás / Countdown").
- [Esquema de teclado](teclado.html "Utilidades: Teclado clásico Microsoft Windows (distribución española)").