# Funciones WebFOCUS En el cuadro siguiente se referencian todas las funciones WebFOCUS de la versión 9.0.1, ordenadas de forma alfabética e incluyendo una breve descripción, su sintaxis y el enlace con documentación en línea:
| Function | Description | Syntax |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ABS | Calculate Absolute Value | ABS(in_value) |
| ACOS | Calculate an Angle Given its Cosine | ACOS(expression) |
| ADD | Add Days to a Date | ADD(date,value) |
| ANOMALY_IF | Calculate an Anomaly Score | ANOMALY_IF('options' predictor_field1[, predictor_field2, ...]) |
| ARGLEN | Measure the Length of a Character String | ARGLEN(length, source_string, output) |
| ASCII | Return the ASCII Code for the Leftmost Character in a String | ASCII(charexp) |
| ASIN | Calculate an Angle Given its Sine | ASIN(expression) |
| ASIS | Distinguish Between a Space and a Zero | ASIS(argument) |
| ATAN | Calculate an Angle Given its Tangent | ATAN(expression) |
| ATAN2 | Calculate an Angle Given the Coordinates of its Tangent | ATAN2(x,y) |
| ATODBL | Convert an Alphanumeric String to Double-Precision Format | ATODBL(source_string, length, output) |
| AYM | Add or Subtract Months to or From a Date | AYM(indate, months, output) |
| AYMD | Add or Subtract Days to or From a Date | AYMD(indate, days, output) |
| BAR | Produce a Bar Chart | BAR(barlength, infield, maxvalue, 'char', output) |
| BITSON | Determine If a Bit Is On or Off | BITSON(bitnumber, source_string, output) |
| BITVAL | Evaluate a Bit String | BITVAL(source_string, startbit, number, output) |
| BYTVAL | Translate a Character | BYTVAL(character, output) |
| CEILING | Return the Smallest Integer Greater Than or Equal to a Number | CEILING(number) |
| CHAR | Return a Character Based on a Numeric Code | CHAR(number_code) |
| CHAR_LENGTH | Return the Length of a String in Characters | CHAR_LENGTH(string) |
| CHAR2INT | Translate a Character Into an Integer Value | CHAR2INT('character') |
| CHECKMD5 | Compute an MD5 Hash Check Value | CHECKMD5(buffer) |
| CHECKPRIVS | Retrieve the Privilege State for the Connected User | CHECKPRIVS(privcode, output) |
| CHECKSUM | Compute a CHECKSUM Hash Value | CHECKSUM(buffer) |
| CHGDAT | Change the Date Display String | CHGDAT('in_display_options', 'out_display_options', date_string,output) |
| CHKFMT | Check the Format of a Character String | CHKFMT(numchar, source_string, 'mask', output) |
| CHKNUM | Check the Format of a Character String | CHKNUM(numchar, source_string, output) |
| CHKPCK | Validate a Packed Field | CHKPCK(length, in_value, error, output) |
| CHR | Return the ASCII Character Given a Numeric Code | CHR(number) |
| CLASSIFY_BLR | Calculate a Binary Logistic Regression | CLASSIFY_BLR('options', predictor_field1[, predictor_field2, ...] target_field) |
| CLASSIFY_KNN | Calculate a K-Nearest Neighbors Classification | CLASSIFY_KNN('options', predictor_field1[, predictor_field2, ...] target_field) |
| CLASSIFY_RF | Calculate a Random Forest Classification | CLASSIFY_RF('options', number_of_trees, predictor_field1[, predictor_field2, ...] target_field) |
| CLASSIFY_XGB | Calculate an Extreme Gradient Boosting Classification | CLASSIFY_XGB('options', predictor_field1[, predictor_field2, ...] target_field) |
| CLSDDREC | Close All Files Opened by the PUTDDREC Function | CLSDDREC(output) |
| COALESCE | Return the First Non-Missing Value | COALESCE(arg1, arg2, ...) |
| COMPACTFORMAT | Display Numbers in an Abbreviated Format | COMPACTFORMAT(input) |
| CONCAT | Concatenate Strings | CONCAT(string1, string2) |
| CORRELATION | Calculate the Correlation Coefficient Between Two Fields | CORRELATION(field1, field2) |
| COS | Calculate the Cosine of an Angle | COS(expression) |
| COT | Calculate the Cotangent of an Angle | COT(expression) |
| CTRAN | Translate One Character to Another | CTRAN(length, source_string, decimal, decvalue, output) |
| CTRFLD | Center a Character String | CTRFLD(source_string, length, output) |
| CTRLCHAR | Return a Non-Printable Control Character | CTRLCHAR(ctrl_char) |
| DA Functions | Convert a Date to an Integer (DADMY, DADYM, DAMDY, DAMYD, DAYDM, DAYMD)" | function(indate, output) |
| DATEADD | Add or Subtract a Date Unit to or From a Date | DATEADD(date, 'component', increment) |
| DATECVT | Convert a Date Format | DATECVT(date, 'in_format', output) |
| DATEDIF | Find the Difference Between Two Dates | DATEDIF(from_date, to_date, 'component') |
| DATEMOV | Move a Date to a Significant Point | DATEMOV(date, 'move-point') |
| DATETRAN | Format Dates in International Formats | DATETRAN(indate, '(intype)', '([formatops])', 'lang', outlen, output) |
| DAY | Extract the Day of the Month From a Date | DAY(date) |
| DAYNAME | Return the Name of the Day From a Date Expression | DAYNAME(date_exp) |
| DB_EXPR | Insert an SQL Expression Into a Request With DB_EXPR | DB_EXPR(native_SQL_expression) |
| DB_INFILE | Compare Source and Target Field Values With DB_INFILE | DB_INFILE(target_file, s1, t1, ... sn, tn) |
| DB_LOOKUP | Retrieve a Value From a Lookup Data Source | DB_LOOKUP(look_mf, srcfld1, lookfld1, srcfld2, lookfld2, ..., returnfld) |
| DCTRAN | Translate a Single-Byte or Double-Byte Character to Another | DCTRAN(length, source_string, indecimal, outdecimal, output) |
| DECODE | Supply Values in the Function | DECODE fieldname(code1 result1 code2 result2...[ELSE default ]) |
| DEDIT | Extract or Add DBCS or SBCS Characters | DEDIT(inlength, source_string, mask_length, mask, output) |
| DEGREES | Convert Radians to Degrees | DEGREES(expression) |
| DIFFERENCE | Measure the Phonetic Similarity Between Character String | DIFFERENCE(chrexp1, chrexp2) |
| DIGITS | Convert a Number to a Character String | DIGITS(number,length) |
| DMOD | Calculate the Remainder From a Division | function(dividend, divisor, output) |
| DMY or MDY or YMD | Calculate the Difference Between Two Dates | function(from_date, to_date) |
| DOWK | Find the Day of the Week | DOWK(indate, output) |
| DOWKL | Find the Day of the Week | DOWKL(indate, output) |
| DPART | Extract a Date Component and Return It in Integer Format | DPART (datevalue, 'component', output) |
| DSTRIP | Remove a Single-Byte or Double-Byte Character From a String | DSTRIP(length, source_string, char, output) |
| DSUBSTR | Extract a Substring | DSUBSTR(inlength, source_string, start, end, sublength, output) |
| DT Functions | Convert an Integer to a Date (DTDMY, DTDYM, DTMDY, DTMYD, DTYDM, DTYMD)" | function(number, output) |
| DT_CURRENT_DATE | Return the Current Date | DT_CURRENT_DATE() |
| DT_CURRENT_DATETIME | Return the Current Date and Time | DT_CURRENT_DATETIME(component) |
| DT_CURRENT_TIME | Return the Current Time | DT_CURRENT_TIME(component) |
| DT_FORMAT | Convert a Date Value to an Alphanumeric String in a Specified Date Format | DT_FORMAT(date,'date_format') |
| DT_TOLOCAL | Convert UTC Time to Local Time | DT_TOLOCAL(datetime, timezone) |
| DT_TOUTC | Convert Local Time to UTC Time | DT_TOUTC(datetime, timezone) |
| DTADD | Increment a Date or Date-Time Component | DTADD(date, component, increment) |
| DTDIFF | Return the Number of Component Boundaries | DTDIFF(end_date, start_date, component) |
| DTIME | Extract a Time Component From a Date-Time Value | DTIME(datetime, component) |
| DTPART | Return a Date or Date-Time Component in Integer Format | DTPART(date, component) |
| DTRUNC | Return the First or Last Date of a Date Period | DTRUNC(date_or_timestamp, date_period, extend) |
| EDAPRINT | Insert a Message in the EDAPRINT Log File | EDAPRINT(message_type, 'message') |
| EDIT | Convert the Format of a Field | EDIT(fieldname) |
| EDIT | Extract or Add Characters | EDIT(source_string, 'mask') |
| ENCRYPT | Encrypt a Password | ENCRYPT(password) |
| EXP | Raise e to the Nth Power | EXP(power, output) |
| EXPN | Evaluate a Number in Scientific Notation | EXPN(n.nn {E\|D} {+\|-} p) |
| EXPONENT | Raise the Constant e to a Power | EXPONENT(power) |
| FEXERR | Retrieve an Error Message | FEXERR(error, 'A72') |
| FGETENV | Retrieve the Value of an Environment Variable | FGETENV(length, 'varname', outlen, output) |
| FIND | Verify the Existence of a Value in a Data Source | FIND(fieldname [AS dbfield] IN file) |
| FINDMEM | Find a Member of a Partitioned Data Set | FINDMEM(ddname, member, output) |
| FIQTR | Obtain the Financial Quarter | FIQTR(inputdate, lowcomponent, startmonth, startday, yrnumbering, output) |
| FIYR | Obtain the Financial Year | FIYR(inputdate, lowcomponent, startmonth, startday, yrnumbering, output) |
| FIYYQ | Convert a Calendar Date to a Financial Date | FIYYQ(inputdate, lowcomponent, startmonth, startday, yrnumbering, output) |
| FLOOR | Return the Largest Integer Less Than or Equal to a Number | FLOOR(number) |
| FMLCAP | Retrieve Captions in an FML Request Using the FMLCAP Function | FMLCAP(fieldname \| 'format') |
| FMLFOR | Retrieve FML Tag Values | FMLFOR(output) |
| FMLINFO | Retain FOR Values in an FML Request | FMLINFO('FORVALUE', output) |
| FMLLIST | Retrieve an FML Tag List | FMLLIST('A4096V') |
| FORECAST_DOUBLEXP | Calculate a Double Exponential Smoothing Column | FORECAST_DOUBLEXP(display, infield,interval, npredict, npoint1, npoint2) |
| FORECAST_EXPAVE | Calculate a Single Exponential Smoothing Column | FORECAST_EXPAVE(display, infield, interval,npredict, npoint1) |
| FORECAST_LINEAR | Calculate a Linear Regression Column | FORECAST_LINEAR(display, infield, interval,npredict) |
| FORECAST_MOVAVE | Calculate a Simple Moving Average Column | FORECAST_MOVAVE(display, infield, interval,npredict, npoint1) |
| FORECAST_SEASONAL | Calculate a Triple Exponential Smoothing Column | FORECAST_SEASONAL(display, infield,interval, npredict, nperiod, npoint1, npoint2, npoint3) |
| FPRINT | Convert Fields Using FPRINT | FPRINT(in_value, 'usageformat', output) |
| FPRINT | Display a Value in a Specified Format | FPRINT(value, 'out_format') |
| FPUTENV | Assign a Value to an Environment Variable | FPUTENV (varname_length,'varname',value_length, 'value', output) |
| FTOA | Convert a Number to Alphanumeric Format | FTOA(number, '(format)', output) |
| GET_TOKEN | Extract a Token Based on a String of Delimiters | GET_TOKEN(string, delimiter_string, occurrence) |
| GETCOOKI | Retrieve a Cookie Value | GETCOOKI('cookie_name', length) |
| GETENV | Retrieve the Value of an Environment Variable | GETENV(var_name) |
| GETHEADR | Retrieve an HTTP Header Variable | GETHEADR('varname', output) |
| GETPDS | Determine If a PDS Member Exists | GETPDS(ddname, member, output) |
| GETTOK | Extract a Substring (Token)" | GETTOK(source_string, inlen, token_number, 'delim', outlen, output) |
| GETUSER | Retrieve a User ID | GETUSER(output) |
| GIS_DISTANCE | Calculate the Distance Between Geometry Points | GIS_DISTANCE(geo_point1,geo_point2) |
| GIS_DRIVE_ROUTE | Calculate the Drive Route Between Geometry Points | GIS_DRIVE_ROUTE(geo_start_point,geo_end_point) |
| GIS_GEOCODE_ADDR | Geocode a Complete Address | GIS_GEOCODE_ADDR(address[, country]) |
| GIS_GEOCODE_ADDR_CITY | Geocode an Address Line | City, and State,GIS_GEOCODE_ADDR_CITY( street_addr, city , state [, country]) |
| GIS_GEOCODE_ADDR_POSTAL | Geocode an Address Line and Postal Code | GIS_GEOCODE_ADDR_POSTAL( street_addr, postal_code [, country]) |
| GIS_GEOMETRY | Build a JSON Geometry Object | GIS_GEOMETRY(geotype, wkid, geometry) |
| GIS_IN_POLYGON | Determine if a Point is in a Complex Polygon | GIS_IN_POLYGON(point, polygon_definition) |
| GIS_LINE | Build a JSON Line | GIS_LINE(geometry1, geometry2) |
| GIS_POINT | Build a Geometry Point | GIS_POINT(wkid, longitude, latitude) |
| GIS_REVERSE_COORDINATE | Return a Geographic Component | GIS_REVERSE_COORDINATE(longitude, latitude, component) |
| GIS_SERV_AREA_XY | Calculate a Geometry Area Around a Coordinate | GIS_SERV_AREA_XY(longitude, latitude, distance, travel_mode[, wkid]) |
| GIS_SERVICE_AREA | Calculate a Geometry Area Around a Point | GIS_SERVICE_AREA(geo_point, distance, travel_mode) |
| GREGDT | Convert From Julian to Gregorian Format | GREGDT(indate, output) |
| GRPLIST | Retrieve a List of Group Memberships for the Connected User | GRPLIST(outputLength, outformat) |
| HADD | Increment a Date-Time Value | HADD(datetime, 'component', increment, length, output) |
| HCNVRT | Convert a Date-Time Value to Alphanumeric Format | HCNVRT(datetime, '(format)', length, output) |
| HDATE | Convert the Date Portion of a Date-Time Value to a Date Format | HDATE(datetime, output) |
| HDIFF | Find the Number of Units Between Two Date-Time Values | HDIFF(end_dt, start_dt, 'component', output) |
| HDTTM | Convert a Date Value to a Date-Time Value | HDTTM(date, length, output) |
| HEXBYT | Convert a Decimal Integer to a Character | HEXBYT(decimal_value, output) |
| HEXTR | Extract Multiple Components From a Date-Time Value | HEXTR(datetime, 'componentstring', length, output) |
| HEXTYPE | Returning the Hexadecimal View of an Input Value | HEXTYPE(in_value) |
| HGETC | Store the Current Local Date and Time in a Date-Time Field | HGETC(length, output) |
| HGETZ | Store the Current Universal Date and Time in a Date-Time Field | HGETZ(length, output) |
| HHMMSS | Retrieve the Current Time | HHMMSS(output) |
| HHMMSS | Retrieve the Current Time | HHMMSS() |
| HHMS | Convert a Date-Time Value to a Time Value | HHMS(datetime, length, output) |
| HINPUT | Convert an Alphanumeric String to a Date-Time Value | HINPUT(source_length, 'source_string', output_length, output) |
| HMASK | Move Multiple Date-Time Components to a Target Date-Time Field | HMASK(source, 'componentstring', input, length, output) |
| HMIDNT | Set the Time Portion of a Date-Time Value to Midnight | HMIDNT(datetime, length, output) |
| HNAME | Retrieve a Date-Time Component in Alphanumeric Format | HNAME(datetime, 'component', output) |
| HPART | Retrieve a Date-Time Component in Numeric Format | HPART(datetime, 'component', output) |
| HSETPT | Insert a Component Into a Date-Time Value | HSETPT(datetime, 'component', value, length, output) |
| HTIME | Convert the Time Portion of a Date-Time Value to a Number | HTIME(length, datetime, output) |
| HTMTOTS or TIMETOTS | Convert a Time to a Timestamp | HTMTOTS(time, length, output) |
| HYYWD | Return the Year and Week Number From a Date-Time Value | HYYWD(dtvalue, output) |
| IMPUTE | Replace Missing Values With Aggregated Values | IMPUTE(field, reset_key, replacement) |
| INCREASE | Calculate the Difference Between the Current and a Prior Value of a Field | INCREASE([prefix.]field, offset) |
| INITCAP | Capitalize the First Letter of Each Word in a String | INITCAP(input_string) |
| Initial_HHMMSS | Retrieve the Initial Time | Initial_HHMMSS() |
| Initial_TODAY | Retrieve the Initial Date | Initial_TODAY() |
| INT | Find the Greatest Integer | INT(in_value) |
| INT2CHAR | Translate an Integer Value Into a Character | INT2CHAR(value) |
| ITONUM | Convert a Large Binary Integer to Double-Precision Format | ITONUM(maxbytes, infield, output) |
| ITOPACK | Convert a Large Binary Integer to Packed-Decimal Format | ITOPACK(maxbytes, infield, output) |
| ITOZ | Convert a Number to Zoned Format | ITOZ(length, in_value, output) |
| IWC.FindAppCGIValue | Find a TIBCO WebFOCUS Parameter Value | IWC.FindAppCGIValue(name,value) |
| IWC.FindAppCGIValue | Retrieve a TIBCO WebFOCUS Parameter or Variable Value | IWC.FindAppCGIValue(parm, mnt_var) |
| IWC.GetAppCGIValue | Import a TIBCO WebFOCUS Parameter | IWC.GetAppCGIValue(parm) |
| IWC.GetAppCGIValue | Retrieve a TIBCO WebFOCUS Parameter | IWC.GetAppCGIValue(parm) |
| IWCLink | Display a URL in a Browser or Frame | IWCLink(url, [target], [newwindow], [options]) |
| IWCSwitchToSecure | Turn Secure Sockets Layer On | IWCSwitchToSecure() |
| IWCSwitchToUnsecure | Turn Secure Sockets Layer Off | IWCSwitchToUnsecure() |
| IWCTrigger | Call a Maintain Function From a Script Handler | IWCTrigger('functionname'[, 'parm'] |
| IWCTrigger | Pass the Value of an ActiveX Control Property to a Maintain Function | IWCTrigger ('function',document.form.control.property) |
| JOBNAME | Retrieve the Current Process Identification String | JOBNAME(length, output) |
| JPTRANS | Convert Japanese Specific Characters | JPTRANS ('type_of_conversion', length, source_string, 'output_format') |
| JULDAT | Convert From Gregorian to Julian Format | JULDAT(indate, output) |
| JULIAN | Determine How Many Days Have Elapsed in the Year | JULIAN(date) |
| KKFCUT | Truncate a String | KKFCUT(length, source_string, output) |
| KMEANS_CLUSTER | Partition Observations Into Clusters Based on the Nearest Mean Value | KMEANS_CLUSTER(number, percent, iterations, tolerance, [prefix1.]field1[, [prefix1.]field2 ...]) |
| LAST | Retrieve the Preceding Value | LAST fieldname |
| LAST_NONBLANK | Return the Last Value That is Neither Blank nor Missing | LAST_NONBLANK(field) |
| LCWORD | Convert a Character String to Mixed-Case Using LCWORD | LCWORD(string) |
| LCWORD | Convert a Character String to Mixed-Case Using LCWORD1 | LCWORD(length, source_string, output) |
| LCWORD2 | Convert a Character String to Mixed-Case Using LCWORD2 | LCWORD2(string) |
| LCWORD2 | Convert a Character String to Mixed-Case Using LCWORD2 | LCWORD2(length, string, output) |
| LCWORD3 | Convert a Character String to Mixed-Case Using LCWORD3 | LCWORD3(length, string, output) |
| LEFT | Return Characters From the Left of a Character String | LEFT(chr_exp, int_exp) |
| LENGTH | Determine the Length of a Character String | LENGTH(string) |
| LENV | Find the Length of an Alphanumeric Field | LENV(source_string, output) |
| LJUST | Left-Justify a Character String | LJUST(string) |
| LJUST | Left-Justify a Character String | LJUST(length, source_string, output) |
| LOCASE | Convert Text to Lowercase | LOCASE(length, source_string, output) |
| LOCASV | Create a Variable Length Lowercase String | LOCASV(upper_limit, source_string, output) |
| LOCATE | Return the Position of a Substring in a String | LOCATE(substr, source [,start]) |
| LOG | Calculate the Natural Logarithm | LOG(in_value) |
| LOG10 | Calculate the Base 10 Logarithm | LOG10(num_exp) |
| LOOKUP | Retrieve a a data value from a cross-referenced FOCUS data source in a MODIFY request | LOOKUP(field) |
| LOWER | Convert a Character String to Lowercase | LOWER(string) |
| LOWER | Return a String With All Letters Lowercase | LOWER(string) |
| LPAD | Pad a Character String on the Left | LPAD(string, out_length, pad_character) |
| LTRIM | Remove Blanks From the Left End of a String | LTRIM(string) |
| MASK | Extract or Add Characters | MASK(fieldname, 'mask') |
| MAX | Find the Maximum Value | MAX(value1, value2, ...) |
| MIN | Find the Minimum Value | MIN}(value1, value2, ...) |
| MIRR | Calculate the Modified Internal Rate of Return | MIRR(cashflow, finrate, reinvrate, output) |
| MNTGETTOK | Extract a Substring (Token)" | MNTGETTOK(infield,'delim',token_number) |
| MOD | Calculate the Remainder From a Division | MOD(dividend, divisor) |
| MONTH | Extract the Month From a Date | MONTH(date) |
| MONTHNAME | Return the Name of the Month From a Date Expression | MONTHNAME(date_exp) |
| MULTIREGRESS | Create a Multivariate Linear Regression Column | MULTIREGRESS(input_field1, [input_field2, ...]) |
| MVSDYNAM | Pass a DYNAM Command to the Command Processor | MVSDYNAM(command, length, outfield) |
| NLSCHR | Convert Characters From the Native English Code Page | NLSCHR('character') |
| NORMSDST | Calculate the Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution | NORMSDST(value, 'D8') |
| NORMSINV | Calculate the Inverse Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution | NORMSINV(value, 'D8') |
| NULLIF | Return a Null Value for Equal Parameters | NULLIF(arg1,arg2) |
| OUTLIER | Identify Outliers in Numeric Data | OUTLIER(input_field) |
| OVERLAY | Replace Characters in a String | OVERLAY(src, ins, start, len) |
| OVRLAY | Overlay a Character String | OVRLAY(source_string, length, substring, sublen, position, output) |
| OVRLAY | Overlay a Character String | OVRLAY(string1, string2, position) |
| PARAG | Divide Text Into Smaller Lines | PARAG(length, source_string, 'delimiter', max_token_size, output) |
| PARTITION_AGGR | Generate Rolling Calculations Using PARTITION_AGGR | PARTITION_AGGR([prefix.]measure,reset_key,lower,upper,operation) |
| PARTITION_REF | Retrieve Prior or Subsequent Field Values for Use in a Calculation | PARTITION_REF([prefix.]field, reset_key, offset) |
| PATTERN | Generate a Pattern From an Input String | PATTERN (length, source_string, output) |
| PATTERNS | Return a String That Represents the Pattern Profile of the Input Argument | PATTERNS(string) |
| PCKOUT | Write a Packed Number of Variable Length | PCKOUT(in_value, length, output) |
| PCT_INCREASE | Calculate the Percentage Difference Between the Current and a Prior Value of a Field | PCT_INCREASE([prefix.]field, offset) |
| PHONETIC | Return a Phonetic Key | PHONETIC(string) |
| PI | Returning the Value Pi | PI() |
| POSIT | Find the Beginning of a Substring | POSIT(source_string, length, substring, sublength, output) |
| POSIT | Find the Beginning of a Substring | POSIT(parent, substring) |
| POSITION | Return the First Position of a Substring in a Source String | POSITION(pattern, string) |
| POSITION | Return the Position of a Search String in a Source String | POSITION(search, source, start) |
| POSITV | Find the Beginning of a Variable Length Substring | POSITV(source_string, upper_limit, substring, sub_limit, output) |
| POWER | Raise a Value to a Power | POWER(base, power) |
| PRDNOR | Generate Reproducible Random Numbers | PRDNOR(seed, output) |
| PRDUNI | Generate Reproducible Random Numbers | PRDUNI(seed, output) |
| PREVIOUS | Retrieve a Prior Value of a Field | PREVIOUS([prefix.]field, offset) |
| PTOA | Convert a Packed-Decimal Number to Alphanumeric Format | PTOA(number, '(format)', output) |
| PUTCOOKI | Submit a Cookie Value | PUTCOOKI('cookie_name','cookie_value') |
| PUTDDREC | Write a Character String as a Record in a Sequential File | PUTDDREC(ddname, dd_len, record_string, record_len, output) |
| PUTENV | Assign a Value to an Environment Variable | PUTENV(var_name, var_value) |
| QUARTER | Determine the Quarter for a Date | QUARTER(date) |
| RADIANS | Convert Degrees to Radians | RADIANS(expression) |
| RDNORM | Generate Random Numbers | RDNORM(output) |
| RDUNIF | Generate Random Numbers | RDUNIF}(output) |
| REGEX | Match a String to a Regular Expression | REGEX(string, regular_expression) |
| REGEXP_COUNT | Count the Number of Matches to a Pattern in a String | REGEXP_COUNT(string, pattern) |
| REGEXP_INSTR | Return the Position of a Pattern in a String | REGEXP_INSTR(string, pattern) |
| REGEXP_REPLACE | Replace Matches to a Pattern in a String | REGEXP_REPLACE(string, pattern, replacement) |
| REGEXP_SUBSTR | Returning the First Match to a Pattern in a String | REGEXP_SUBSTR(string, pattern) |
| REGRESS_KNN | Calculate a K-Nearest Neighbors Regression | REGRESS_KNN('options', predictor_field1[, predictor_field2, ...] target_field) |
| REGRESS_POLY | Calculate a Polynomial Regression Column | REGRESS_POLY('options', predictor_field1, predictor_field2, [...,] target_field) |
| REGRESS_RF | Calculate a Random Forest Regression | REGRESS_RF('options', predictor_field1[, predictor_field2, ...] target_field) |
| REGRESS_XGB | Calculate an Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression | REGRESS_XGB('options', predictor_field1[, predictor_field2, ...] target_field) |
| REPEAT | Repeat a Character String a Given Number of Times | REPEAT(source_str, number) |
| REPLACE | Replace all Instances of a String | REPLACE(input_string , search_string , replacement) |
| REVERSE | Reverse the Characters in a String | REVERSE(length, source_string, output) |
| RIGHT | Return Characters From the Right of a Character String | RIGHT(chr_exp, int_exp) |
| RJUST | Right-Justify a Character String | RJUST(length, source_string, output) |
| RJUST | Right-Justify a Character String | RJUST(string, length, char) |
| ROUND | Round a Number to a Given Number of Decimal Places | ROUND(num_exp, count) |
| RPAD | Pad a Character String on the Right | RPAD(string, out_length, pad_character) |
| RSERVE | Run an R Script | RSERVE(rserve_mf, input_field1, ...input_fieldn, output) |
| RTRIM | Remove Blanks From the Right End of a String | RTRIM(string) |
| RUN_MODEL | Run a Saved Python Model | RUN_MODEL('app/modelname') |
| RUN_MODEL2 | Run a Saved Python Model (predictor field names are not the same in the model and the data)" | RUN_MODEL2('app/modelname', pfield1, ..., pfieldn) |
| RUNNING_AVE | Calculate Running Average Between the Current and a Prior Value of a Field | RUNNING_AVE(field, reset_key, lower) |
| RUNNING_MAX | Calculate Running Maximum Between the Current and a Prior Value of a Field | RUNNING_MAX(field, reset_key, lower) |
| RUNNING_MIN | Calculate Running Minimum Between the Current and a Prior Value of a Field | RUNNING_MIN(field, reset_key, lower) |
| RUNNING_SUM | Calculate Running Sum Between the Current and a Prior Value of a Field | RUNNING_SUM(field, reset_key, lower) |
| SELECTS | Decode a Value From a Stack | target SELECTS (code, result, code, result, ... [ELSE default]) |
| SETMDY | Set a Value to a Date | SETMDY(date, month, day, year) |
| SFTDEL | Delete the Shift Code From DBCS Data | SFTDEL(source_string, length, output) |
| SFTINS | Insert the Shift Code Into DBCS Data | SFTINS(source_string, length, output) |
| SIGN | Return the Sign of a Number | SIGN(number) |
| SIN | Calculate the Sine of an Angle | SIN(expression) |
| SLACK | Post a Message to a Slack Channel | SLACK(workspace, channel, message) |
| SLEEP | Suspend Execution for a Specified Number of Seconds | SLEEP(delay, output) |
| SOUNDEX | Compare Character Strings Phonetically | SOUNDEX(length, source_string, output) |
| SPACE | Return a String With a Given Number of Spaces | SPACE(count) |
| SPAWN | Create a Subprocess From a Procedure | SPAWN(inlength, command, outcode) |
| SPELLNM | Spell Out a Dollar Amount | SPELLNM(outlength, number, output) |
| SPLIT | Extract an Element From a String | SPLIT(element, string) |
| SQRT | Calculate the Square Root | SQRT(in_value) |
| SQUEEZ | Reduce Multiple Spaces to a Single Space | SQUEEZ(length, source_string, output) |
| STDDEV | Calculate the Standard Deviation in a Set of Data | STDDEV(field, sampling) |
| STRAN | Substitute a Substring | STRAN(string, substr1, substr2) |
| STRCMP | Compare Character Strings | STRCMP(string1, string2) |
| STRICMP | Compare Character Strings and Ignore Case | STRICMP(string1, string2) |
| STRIP | Remove a Character From a String | STRIP(length, source_string, char, output) |
| STRNCMP | Compare Character Substrings | STRNCMP(string1, string2, number) |
| STRREP | Replace Character Strings | STRREP (inlength, instring, searchlength, searchstring, replength, repstring, outlength, output) |
| STRTOKEN | Extract a Substring | STRTOKEN(string, delimiters) |
| SUB | Subtract a Value From a Date | SUB(date,value) |
| SUBSTR | Extract a Substring | SUBSTR(length, source_string, start, end, sublength, output) |
| SUBSTR | Extract a Substring | SUBSTR(string, start, length) |
| SUBSTRING | Extract a Substring From a Source String | SUBSTRING(string, position, length) |
| SUBSTV | Extract a Variable Length Substring | SUBSTV(upper_limit, source_string, start, sub_limit, output) |
| SYSTEM | Call a DOS or Windows Program | SYSTEM(length, 'string ', returncode) |
| SYSVAR | Retrieve the Value of a z/OS System Variable | SYSVAR('length', '[&]sysvar[.]', 'outfmt') |
| TAN | Calculate the Tangent of an Angle | TAN(expression) |
| TO_INTEGER | Convert a Character String to an Integer | TO_INTEGER(string) |
| TO_NUMBER | Convert a Character String to a Number | TO_NUMBER(string) |
| TODAY | Retrieve the Current Date | TODAY() |
| TODAY | Retrieve the Current Date | TODAY(output) |
| TODAY2 | Retrieve the Current Date | TODAY2() |
| TOKEN | Extract a Token From a String | TOKEN(string, delimiter, number) |
| TRIM | Remove Leading and Trailing Occurrences | TRIM(trim_where, source_string, length, pattern, sublength, output) |
| TRIM | Remove Trailing Occurrences | TRIM(string) |
| TRIM_ | Remove a Leading Character, Trailing Character or Both From a String | TRIM_(where, pattern, string) |
| TRIMLEN | Determine the Length of a String Excluding Trailing Spaces | TRIMLEN(string) |
| TRIMV | Remove Characters From a String | TRIMV(trim_where, source_string, upper_limit, pattern, pattern_limit, output) |
| TRUNCATE | Truncate a Number to a Given Number of Decimal Places | TRUNCATE(num_exp, count) |
| TSTOPACK | Convert an MSSQL or Sybase Timestamp Column to Packed Decimal | TSTOPACK(tscol, output) |
| UFMT | Convert an Alphanumeric String to Hexadecimal | UFMT(source_string, length, output) |
| UPCASE | Convert Text to Uppercase | UPCASE(length, source_string, output) |
| UPCASE | Convert Text to Uppercase | UPCASE(string) |
| UPCASV | Create a Variable Length Uppercase String | UPCASV(upper_limit, source_string, output) |
| UPPER | Return a String With All Letters Uppercase | UPPER(string) |
| WEEKDAY | Determine the Day of the Week for a Date | WEEKDAY(date) |
| XIRR | Calculate the Internal Rate of Return | XIRR (cashflow, dates,guess, maxiterations, output); WITHIN {sort_field \| TABLE} |
| XMLDECOD | Decode XML-Encoded Characters | XMLDECOD(inlength, source_string, outlength, output) |
| XMLENCOD | XML-Encode Characters | XMLENCOD(inlength, source_string, option, outlength, output) |
| XTPACK | Store Packed Values in an Alphanumeric Field | XTPACK(in_value, outlength, outdec, output) |
| YEAR | Extract the Year From a Date | YEAR(date) |
| YM | Calculate Elapsed Months | YM(fromdate, todate, output) |